Therefore, our trump card was to go hand in hand with the company that had previously supported us in the risk. The account had given good profitability to its previous insurer, and our efforts were focused on getting the insurer not to give it a new risk treatment, but to take into account the premiums that the company had already provided in the past.
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Once this was achieved, our insured benefited from better insurance conditions than the market average, and was not harmed by losses suffered by other parks. We highlighted the seriousness and good work of this insured.
Finally, different coverage options were presented to the client, on the one hand with and without the establishment of indemnity limits, given the existence of several separate parks, and on the other hand with Loss of Profits Indemnity Periods of 12 and 18 months.
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In this way, we managed to regain the company’s trust and it benefited from insurance conditions well above the market average.