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Client Ref.: 274.508
Client and project challenges
Company located in Madrid that is dedicated to the development of computer programs, software and is an Oracle supplier. With more than 100 employees, it is an international company with a strong presence in Europe. With the prospect of growth in the not too distant future.
Our work and approach
As a result of a change in the financial management of the company and due to a dissatisfaction with the insurance company that had contracted the credit policy at that time, we were given the option to two brokers to present several options with different companies to be the mediator of the same.
After submitting several applications with different companies in the market we managed to become a broker for this company with international presence, and improve both economic and coverage conditions in the credit policy.
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–> This good management and the satisfaction on the part of the client allowed us to continue working with them, offering policies that finally contracted as Travel Assistance for executives and Civil Liability.

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